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About US: Founded in 2008 by a veteran real estate professional, the internal Dynamics School of Real Estate is dedicated to helping real estate professionals. As practitioners, we found continuing education courses to be mundane and often disconnected from the realities occurring within the marketplace. Our focus is on providing relevant information connected to effective application. All courses are developed for presentation by certified and experienced instructors, each with a long history of practice.


Our focus is to have significant impact on the future of this honorable profession. We believe the most effective way is to help others achieve the same or greater success that we have enjoyed. Finishing the pre-licensing course and passing the state exam is the first step to an immeasurable future – you have just completed the ‘rule book’, now its time for the play book. By sharing our many years of knowledge and connecting content to real life situations, meaningful awareness hits home. This helps you prepare for the many interactions you will encounter in your career as a real estate professional. 

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